We look forward to helping you. Please feel free to contact us at 973-239-7960 or [email protected].
Below you will also find our staff phone extensions and e-mails.
Pastoral Team
Rev. Juan Jose Esteban, Pastor
ext. 102
[email protected]
Mrs. Rosemary Couillou, Pastoral Associate
ext. 104
[email protected]
Mrs. Clare Krakoviak, Coordinator of Faith Formation
ext. 202
[email protected]
Mr. Albert E. Ganter, Director of Music & Organist
ext. 106
[email protected]
Administrative and Support Staff
Mrs. Jacqueline Alworth, Business Manager
[email protected]
Mrs. Barbara Cannone, Parish Secretary
ext. 100
[email protected]
Mrs. Alexis Nattini, Faith Formation Assistant
[email protected]
ext. 203
Mrs. Carole Astin, Parish Center Receptionist
Mr. Joe Orlando, Parish Center Receptionist
ext. 110
Mr. Gary Wilczewski, Parish Maintenance